Manfred K. Grieshaber

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
"Manfred Grieshaber"
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Pelster B, Bridges CR, Grieshaber MK. (1988) Physiological adaptations of the intertidal rockpool teleost Blennius pholis L., to aerial exposure. Respiration Physiology. 71: 355-73
Pelster B, Bridges CR, Grieshaber MK. (1988) Respiratory adaptations of the burrowing marine teleost Lumpenus lampretaeformis (Walbaum). II. Metabolic adaptations Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 124: 43-55
Pörtner HO, Kreutzer U, Siegmund B, et al. (1984) Metabolic adaptation of the intertidal worm Sipunculus nudus to functional and environmental hypoxia Marine Biology. 79: 237-247
Gäde G, Grieshaber M. (1976) Anaerobic metabolism of the common cockle, cardium edule: II. Partial purification and properties of lactate dehydrogenase and octopine dehydrogenase. A comparative study Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry. 84: 735-752
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