Arun Yethiraj

Chemistry University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
theoretical chemistry
"Arun Yethiraj"

Mean distance: 10.01


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Carol K. Hall grad student 1991 NCSU
 (Bulk and Surface Properties of Fluids Composed of Chain-like Molecules)


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Hyuntae Jung grad student 2015- UW Madison
Rakwoo Chang grad student 1998-2003 UW Madison
Kamakshi Jagannathan grad student 2005 UW Madison
Govardhan P. Reddy grad student 2006 UW Madison
Govardhan P. Reddy grad student 2006 UW Madison
Bong June J. Sung grad student 2001-2006 UW Madison
Bong June J. Sung grad student 2001-2006 UW Madison
Jun Soo Kim grad student 2004-2009 UW Madison
Jagannath Mondal grad student 2006-2011 UW Madison
Chang Yun Son grad student 2012-2017 UW Madison
Ajay Muralidharan post-doc 2019- UW Madison (E-Tree)
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Liu Z, Yethiraj A, Cui Q. (2023) Sensitive and selective polymer condensation at membrane surface driven by positive co-operativity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2212516120
Jung H, Yethiraj A. (2022) Phase behavior of continuous-space systems: A supervised machine learning approach. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 153: 064904
Muralidharan A, Yethiraj A. (2022) Fast estimation of ion-pairing for screening electrolytes: A cluster can approximate a bulk liquid. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 156: 054801
Lytle TK, Muralidharan A, Yethiraj A. (2021) Why Lithium Ions Stick to Some Anions and Not Others. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Jung HT, Yethiraj A. (2020) Phase Behavior of Poly(ethylene oxide) in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: A Molecular Simulation and Deep Neural Network Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Jeong KJ, McDaniel JG, Yethiraj A. (2020) A Transferable Polarizable Force Field for Urea Crystals and Aqueous Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Muralidharan A, Schmidt JR, Yethiraj A. (2020) A Solvation Induced Ring Puckering Effect in Fluorinated Prolines and Its Inclusion in Classical Force-Fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Kil KH, Yethiraj A, Kim JS. (2020) Nematic ordering of hard rods under strong confinement in a dense array of nanoposts. Physical Review. E. 101: 032705
Singh A, Yethiraj A. (2020) The Driving Force for the Complexation of Charged Polypeptides. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Jung H, Yethiraj A. (2020) Phase behavior of continuous-space systems: A supervised machine learning approach Journal of Chemical Physics. 153: 64904
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