Mabio João Santana

Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) 
Quimica, fisica
"Mabio Santana"
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Branco FSC, Silva BV, Rio GFd, et al. (2015) Ressonância Magnética Nuclear De Substâncias Organofluoradas: Um Desafio No Ensino De Espectroscopia QuíMica Nova. 38: 1237-1246
Rodrigues SE, Machado AEH, Berardi M, et al. (2015) Investigation of protonation effects on the electronic and structural properties of halogenated sulfonated porphyrins Journal of Molecular Structure. 1084: 284-293
Baldo GR, Döhler L, Grzybowski A, et al. (2014) Partially carboxymethylated cotton dust waste for sorption of textile wastewater coloured with the cationic dye Basic Blue 41 as a model: synthesis, regeneration and biodegradability Cellulose. 21: 3041-3053
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