
Sign in to add mentor
Alain Léger grad student 1990 Université Paris-Sud 11
 (Visible and spectroscopic studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other carbon clusters.)


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Andreas K. G. Elsässer post-doc 2015 Leiden (Chemistry Tree)


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Clark M. Johnson collaborator 2013-2017 George Washington University (Geotree)
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Ligterink NFW, Grimaudo V, Moreno-García P, et al. (2020) ORIGIN: a novel and compact Laser Desorption - Mass Spectrometry system for sensitive in situ detection of amino acids on extraterrestrial surfaces. Scientific Reports. 10: 9641
Aerts JW, Riedo A, Melton DJ, et al. (2020) Biosignature Analysis of Mars Soil Analogs from the Atacama Desert: Challenges and Implications for Future Missions to Mars. Astrobiology
Linnartz H, Cami J, Cordiner M, et al. (2020) C60+ as a diffuse interstellar band carrier; a spectroscopic story in 6 acts Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 367: 111243
Stevens AH, McDonald A, de Koning C, et al. (2019) Detectability of biosignatures in a low-biomass simulation of martian sediments. Scientific Reports. 9: 9706
Cordiner MA, Linnartz H, Cox NLJ, et al. (2019) Confirming Interstellar C60 + Using the Hubble Space Telescope The Astrophysical Journal. 875: L28
Cami J, Cox NL, Farhang A, et al. (2018) The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Band Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES) The Messenger. 171: 31-36
Lallement R, Cox NLJ, Cami J, et al. (2018) The EDIBLES survey II. The detectability of C60+ bands Astronomy and Astrophysics. 614
Cox NLJ, Cami J, Farhang A, et al. (2017) The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Bands Large Exploration Survey: EDIBLES I. Project description, survey sample and quality assessment. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 606
Gaboyer F, Le Milbeau C, Bohmeier M, et al. (2017) Mineralization and Preservation of an extremotolerant Bacterium Isolated from an Early Mars Analog Environment. Scientific Reports. 7: 8775
Cockell CS, Schwendner P, Perras A, et al. (2017) Anaerobic microorganisms in astrobiological analogue environments: from field site to culture collection International Journal of Astrobiology. 17: 314-328
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