Colette Patacz

University Lille 1, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Hauts-de-France, France 
"Colette Patacz"
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Xavier Coqueret grad student 1996 University Lille 1
 (Etude cinétique de la polymérisation de monomères acryliques sous faisceau d'électrons : approche analytique et réactivités comparées)
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Patacz C, Coqueret X. (2002) Part 5. Influence of additives containing heteroatoms on the reactivity of butyl acrylate Polymer International. 51: 27-32
Patacz C, Coqueret X, Decker C. (2001) Electron-beam initiated polymerization of acrylate compositions 3: compared reactivity of hexanediol and tripropyleneglycol diacrylates under UV or EB initiation Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 62: 403-410
Patacz C, Defoort B, Coqueret X. (2000) Electron-beam initiated polymerization of acrylate compositions 1 : FTIR monitoring of incremental irradiation Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 59: 329-337
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