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Klaus EE, Tewksbury EJ, Fenske MR. (1962) Preparation, properties, and some applications of super-refined mineral oils Asle Transactions. 5: 115-125 |
Hersh RE, Fenske MR, Matson HJ, et al. (1948) Identification of Pennsylvania lubricating oils Analytical Chemistry. 20: 434-444 |
Stone RW, Fenske MR, White AG. (1942) Bacteria Attacking Petroleum and Oil Fractions. Journal of Bacteriology. 44: 169-78 |
Fenske MR, Stevenson CE, Rusk RA, et al. (1941) Oxidation of lubricating oils: Apparatus and analytical methods Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 13: 51-60 |
Cannon MR, Fenske MR. (1941) Viscosity measurement Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 13: 299-300 |
Rescorla AR, Carnahan FL, Fenske MR. (1937) Development of acidity in certain lubricating oils on use or oxidation Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 9: 574-576 |
Rescorla AR, Carnahan FL, Fenske MR. (1937) Electrometric titration of acids in oxidized petroleum oils Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 9: 505-508 |
Mccluer WB, Fenske MR. (1934) A method for evaluating the viscosity-temperature characteristics of oils Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 6: 389-392 |
Willihnganz EA, Mccluer WB, Fenske MR, et al. (1934) Viscosity of petroleum products: Methods and apparatus for viscosity measurement Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 6: 231-234 |
Quiggle D, Tongberg CO, Fenske MR. (1934) Apparatus for boiling point and boiling range measurements Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 6: 466-468 |