Olivier Cala

Université de Bordeaux, Talence, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France 
Modélisation moléculaire, Tannins, Structure, NMR, Molecular modeling, Interaction
"Olivier Cala"
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Erick Joël Dufourc grad student 2010 Université de Bordeaux
 (Approche moléculaire de l'astringence par l'étude des interactions entre les tanins du vin et les protéines de la salve)
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Raingeval C, Cala O, Brion B, et al. (2019) 1D NMR WaterLOGSY as an efficient method for fragment-based lead discovery. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry. 34: 1218-1225
Igonet S, Raingeval C, Cecon E, et al. (2018) Enabling STD-NMR fragment screening using stabilized native GPCR: A case study of adenosine receptor. Scientific Reports. 8: 8142
Cala O, Krimm I. (2015) Ligand-Orientation Based Fragment Selection in STD NMR Screening. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 58: 8739-42
Aguirre C, Cala O, Krimm I. (2015) Overview of Probing Protein-Ligand Interactions Using NMR. Current Protocols in Protein Science / Editorial Board, John E. Coligan ... [Et Al.]. 81: 17.18.1-17.18.24
Aguirre C, ten Brink T, Cala O, et al. (2014) Protein-ligand structure guided by backbone and side-chain proton chemical shift perturbations. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr. 60: 147-56
Aguirre C, ten Brink T, Guichou JF, et al. (2014) Comparing binding modes of analogous fragments using NMR in fragment-based drug design: application to PRDX5. Plos One. 9: e102300
Cala O, Guillière F, Krimm I. (2014) NMR-based analysis of protein-ligand interactions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 406: 943-56
Cala O, Remy MH, Guillet V, et al. (2013) Virtual and biophysical screening targeting the γ-tubulin complex--a new target for the inhibition of microtubule nucleation. Plos One. 8: e63908
Cala O, Dufourc EJ, Fouquet E, et al. (2012) The colloidal state of tannins impacts the nature of their interaction with proteins: the case of salivary proline-rich protein/procyanidins binding. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 28: 17410-8
Cala O, Fabre S, Pinaud N, et al. (2011) Towards a molecular interpretation of astringency: synthesis, 3D structure, colloidal state, and human saliva protein recognition of procyanidins. Planta Medica. 77: 1116-22
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