Wlodzimierz Kolos

chemistry University of Warsaw, Poland 
"Wlodzimierz Kolos"
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Cwiok T, Jeziorski B, Kolos W, et al. (1994) Symmetry-adapted perturbation theory of potential-energy surfaces for weakly bound molecular complexes Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 307: 135-151
Froelich P, Jeziorski B, Kolos W, et al. (1993) Probability distribution of excitations to the electronic continuum of HeT+ following the beta decay of the T2 molecule. Physical Review Letters. 71: 2871-2874
Froelich P, Jeziorski B, Kolos W, et al. (1993) Probability distribution of excitations to the electronic continuum of HeT+ following the β decay of the T2 molecule Physical Review Letters. 71: 2871-2874
Jeziorski B, Szalewicz K, Scrinzi A, et al. (1991) Muon sticking fractions for S states of the td micro muon including the effects of nuclear interactions. Physical Review. a, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 43: 1640-1643
Szalewicz K, Jeziorski B, Scrinzi A, et al. (1990) Effects of nuclear forces in muon-catalyzed fusion: Nonadiabatic treatment of energy shifts and fusion rates for S states of td micro. Physical Review. A. 42: 3768-3778
Kolos W, Jeziorski B, Rychlewski J, et al. (1988) Molecular effects in tritium beta decay. IV. Effect of crystal excitations on neutrino mass determination. Physical Review. a, General Physics. 37: 2297-2303
Kolos W, Jeziorski B, Rychlewski J, et al. (1988) Molecular effects in tritium decay. IV. Effect of crystal excitations on neutrino mass determination Physical Review A. 37: 2297-2303
Szalewicz K, Monkhorst HJ, Kolos W, et al. (1987) Variational calculation of the energy levels for the td micro ion. Physical Review. a, General Physics. 36: 5494-5497
Szalewicz K, Monkhorst HJ, Kolos W, et al. (1987) Variational calculation of the energy levels for the td ion Physical Review A. 36: 5494-5497
Szalewicz K, Fackler O, Jeziorski B, et al. (1987) Molecular effects in tritium decay. III. Electronic resonances of the HeT+ ion and dependence of neutrino mass on the accuracy of the theoretical model Physical Review A. 35: 965-979
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