Ana Bertucci

Facultad de Química Universidad de la Republica - Uruguay 
"Ana Bertucci"
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Bellomo A, Bertucci A, De La Sovera V, et al. (2014) Antifungal activity of a library of cyclitols and related compounds Letters in Drug Design and Discovery. 11: 67-75
Carrau G, Drewes CC, Shimada ALB, et al. (2013) Synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of a compound library of triazolylcyclitols Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. 21: 4225-4232
Sagrera G, Bertucci A, Vazquez A, et al. (2011) Synthesis and antifungal activities of natural and synthetic biflavonoids. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 19: 3060-73
Bertucci A, Olivaro C, Silva PAd, et al. (2009) Initial antimicrobial activity studies of plants of the riverside forests of the southern Uruguay River Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia. 19: 20-25
Bellomo A, Bertucci A, Stefani H, et al. (2009) Novel deoxy-selenylconduritols: chemoenzymatic synthesis and biological evaluation Tetrahedron Asymmetry. 20: 2673-2676
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