Guy Denuault

Chemistry University of Southampton (UK), Southampton, England, United Kingdom 
"Guy Denuault"
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Birkin PR, Linfield S, Youngs JJ, et al. (2020) Generation and In Situ Electrochemical Detection of Transient Nanobubbles Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124: 7544-7549
Soares CO, Rodríguez O, Buvat G, et al. (2020) Sampled current voltammetry for kinetic studies on materials unsuitable for rotating discs or microelectrodes: application to the oxygen reduction reaction in acidic medium Electrochimica Acta. 136946
Birkin PR, Linfield S, Denuault G. (2019) The in situ electrochemical detection of microbubble oscillations during motion through a channel. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 21: 24802-24807
Birkin PR, Linfield S, Denuault G, et al. (2019) An analytical differential resistance pulse system relying on a time shift signal analysis - applications in Coulter counting. Acs Sensors
Shafiee SAB, Hector AL, Denuault G. (2019) Solid molybdenum nitride microdisc electrodes: Fabrication, characterisation, and application to the reduction of peroxodisulfate Electrochimica Acta. 293: 184-190
Hamzah H, Denuault G, Bartlett PN, et al. (2017) Electrografting of mono-n-boc-ethylenediamine from an acetonitrile/aqueous NaHCO3 mixture Journal of Electrochemistry. 23: 130-140
Perry SC, Denuault G. (2016) The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on reduced metals: evidence for a unique relationship between the coverage of adsorbed oxygen species and adsorption energy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 18: 10218-23
Al-Mahmoud SM, Dibden JW, Owen JR, et al. (2016) A simple, experiment-based model of the initial self-discharge of lithium-sulphur batteries Journal of Power Sources. 306: 323-328
Bülter H, Denuault G, Mátéfi-Tempfli S, et al. (2016) Electrochemical analysis of nanostructured iron oxides using cyclic voltammetry and scanning electrochemical microscopy Electrochimica Acta. 222: 1326-1334
Perry SC, Denuault G. (2015) Transient study of the oxygen reduction reaction on reduced Pt and Pt alloys microelectrodes: Evidence for the reduction of pre-adsorbed oxygen species linked to dissolved oxygen Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17: 30005-30012
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