Peter David Drummond

Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 
Scientific Computing and Visualisation; Ultracold Quantum Gases; Ultrafast Laser Science and Spectroscopy; Quantum information; GPU and advanced HPC algorithms
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Kiesewetter S, Drummond PD. (2022) Phase-space simulations of feedback coherent Ising machines. Optics Letters. 47: 649-652
Ng KL, Opanchuk B, Reid MD, et al. (2019) Nonlocal Pair Correlations in a Higher-Order Bose Gas Soliton. Physical Review Letters. 122: 203604
Mendonca PEMF, Teh RY, Reid MD, et al. (2019) Quantum fidelity measures for mixed states. Reports On Progress in Physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)
Opanchuk B, Rosales-Zárate L, Reid MD, et al. (2018) Simulating and assessing boson sampling experiments with phase-space representations Physical Review A. 97: 42304
Dechoum K, Rosales-Zárate L, Drummond PD. (2016) Critical fluctuations in an optical parametric oscillator: when light behaves like magnetism Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 33: 871-883
Drummond PD, Reid MD. (2016) Coherent states in projected Hilbert spaces Physical Review A. 94: 63851
Drummond PD, Opanchuk B, Rosales-Zárate L, et al. (2016) Scaling of boson sampling experiments Physical Review A. 94: 42339
Drummond PD, Chaturvedi S. (2016) Quantum simulations in phase-space: from quantum optics to ultra-cold physics Physica Scripta. 91: 73007
Kiesewetter S, Dechoum K, Opanchuk B, et al. (2015) Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen quantum simulations in nonclassical phase-space Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 32: A64-A73
Fialko O, Opanchuk B, Sidorov AI, et al. (2015) Fate of the false vacuum: Towards realization with ultra-cold atoms Epl. 110: 56001
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