Neha Garg

2016 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 
"Neha Garg"
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Jha M, Kumar S, Garg N, et al. (2018) Microemulsion based approach for nanospheres assembly into anisotropic nanostructures of NiMnO3 and their magnetic properties Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 258: 722-727
Garg N, Mishra M, Govind, et al. (2015) Electrochemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured CoMn2O4 and Co2MnO4 Rsc Advances. 5: 84988-84998
Basu M, Garg N, Ganguli AK. (2014) A type-II semiconductor (ZnO/CuS heterostructure) for visible light photocatalysis Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2: 7517-7525
Garg N, Basu M, Ganguli AK. (2014) Nickel cobaltite nanostructures with enhanced supercapacitance activity Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118: 17332-17341
Garg N, Basu M, Upadhyaya K, et al. (2013) Controlling the aspect ratio and electrocatalytic properties of nickel cobaltite nanorods Rsc Advances. 3: 24328-24336
Garg N, Menaka, Ramanujachary KV, et al. (2013) Nanostructured dimagnesium manganese oxide (Spinel): Control of size, shape and their magnetic and electro catalytic properties Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 197: 392-397
Menaka, Garg N, Kumar S, et al. (2012) Nanostructured nickel manganese oxide: Aligned nanostructures and their magnetic properties Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22: 18447-18453
Sharma S, Garg N, Ramanujachary KV, et al. (2012) Design of anisotropic Co 3O 4 nanostructures: Control of particle size, assembly, and aspect ratio Crystal Growth and Design. 12: 4202-4210
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