Vivekanandan Subramanian

Chemistry and Biophysics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
"Vivekanandan Subramanian"
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Sahoo BR, Subramanian V, Bardwell JCA. (2024) Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignments for human SERF2. Biomolecular Nmr Assignments
Dahal A, Subramanian V, Shrestha P, et al. (2023) Conformationally constrained cyclic grafted peptidomimetics targeting protein-protein interactions. Peptide Science (Hoboken, N.J.). 115
Navaratna T, Atangcho L, Mahajan M, et al. (2019) Directed Evolution Using Stabilized Bacterial Peptide Display. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Bhunia A, Sarkar D, Chakraborty I, et al. (2019) Self-assembly and Neurotoxicity of Amyloid-beta (21-40) Peptide fragment: The regulatory Role of GxxxG Motifs. Chemmedchem
Subramanian V, Ahuja S, Popovych N, et al. (2013) Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Full-Length Rabbit Cytochrome b5 Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Brender JR, Subramanian V, Krishnamoorthy J, et al. (2012) Tracking Conformational Changes during Amyloidogenesis in Real-Time at Atomic-Resolution by NMR Biophysical Journal. 102: 242a
Yoo SI, Yang M, Brender JR, et al. (2011) Inhibition of amyloid peptide fibrillation by inorganic nanoparticles: functional similarities with proteins. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 50: 5110-5
Yoo SI, Yang M, Brender JR, et al. (2011) Inside Cover: Inhibition of Amyloid Peptide Fibrillation by Inorganic Nanoparticles: Functional Similarities with Proteins (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 22/2011) Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 50: 4992-4992
Yoo SI, Yang M, Brender JR, et al. (2011) Innentitelbild: Inhibition of Amyloid Peptide Fibrillation by Inorganic Nanoparticles: Functional Similarities with Proteins (Angew. Chem. 22/2011) Angewandte Chemie. 123: 5096-5096
Nanga RPR, Brender JR, Subramanian V, et al. (2010) Clues for the Mechanism of SEVI HIV Enhancement from Structural Studies of the SEVI Precursor Peptide PAP248-286 in a Membrane Environment by NMR Biophysical Journal. 98: 458a
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