Xiuxiu Miao

2018-2020 China University of Mining and Technology, China 
"Xiuxiu Miao"
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Gan M, Zhang L, Miao X, et al. (2020) Application of computed tomography (CT) in geologic CO2 utilization and storage research: a critical review Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 83: 103591
Miao X, Zhang L, Wang Y, et al. (2020) Characterisation of wellbore cement microstructure alteration under geologic carbon storage using X-ray computed micro-tomography: A framework for fast CT image registration and carbonate shell morphology quantification Cement & Concrete Composites. 108: 103524
Wang Q, Miao X, Wang Y, et al. (2020) Simulation of uranium mobilization potential in a deep aquifer under geological carbon storage conditions Applied Geochemistry. 118: 104620
Zhang L, Miao X, Wang B, et al. (2020) Uranium release surrounding a single fracture in a uranium-rich reservoir under geologic carbon storage conditions Computational Geosciences. 1-11
Miao X, Wang Y, Zhang L, et al. (2019) Improved Vinegar & Wellington calibration for estimation of fluid saturation and porosity from CT images for a core flooding test under geologic carbon storage conditions. Micron (Oxford, England : 1993). 124: 102703
Gan M, Zhang L, Miao X, et al. (2019) Micro-CT Characterization of Wellbore Cement Degradation in SO42-–Bearing Brine under Geological CO2 Storage Environment Geofluids. 2019: 1-10
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