John F. Williams

Biochemistry Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
"John Williams"
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Rafat A Siddiqui grad student 1983-1987 ANU
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Williams JF, MacLeod JK. (2006) The metabolic significance of octulose phosphates in the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle in spinach. Photosynthesis Research. 90: 125-48
Flanigan I, Collins JG, Arora KK, et al. (1993) Exchange reactions catalyzed by group‐transferring enzymes oppose the quantitation and the unravelling of the identity of the pentose pathway Febs Journal. 213: 477-485
Siddiqui RA, Williams JF. (1989) The regulation of fatty acid and branched-chain amino acid oxidation in cancer cachectic rats: A proposed role for a cytokine, eicosanoid, and hormone trilogy Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology. 42: 71-86
Arora KK, Smith R, Williams JF. (1987) Pyruvate recycling" and its influence on the estimation of the pentose pathway in intact liver and Morris hepatoma 5123TC cells. International Journal of Biochemistry. 19: 147-158
Arora KK, Longenecker JP, Williams JF. (1987) Mechanism and quantitative contribution of the pentose pathway to the glucose metabolism of Morris hepatoma 5123C. International Journal of Biochemistry. 19: 133-146
Arora KK, Macleod JK, Williams JF. (1987) High yield synthesis of 14C labelled intermediates of the L-type pentose pathway: Octulose mono- and bisphosphates, sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphate and D-arabinose 5-phosphate Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. 24: 205-218
Arora KK, Cortis P, Bleakley PA, et al. (1985) Identification and measurement of d-glycero d-ido octulose 1,8-bisphosphate: D-altro-heptulose7-phosphotransferase enzyme in tissues with l-type pentose phosphate pathway activity International Journal of Biochemistry. 17: 1329-1337
Williams JF, Clark MG, Arora KK, et al. (1984) Glucose 6-phosphate formation by L-type pentose phosphate pathway reactions of rat liver in vitro: further evidence. Biological Chemistry. 365: 1425-1434
Williams JF, Blackmore PF. (1983) Non-oxidative synthesis of pentose 5-phosphate from hexose 6-phosphate and triose phosphate by the l-type pentose pathway International Journal of Biochemistry. 15: 797-816
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