Kunal Roy

Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India 
"Kunal Roy"
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Kumar A, Ojha PK, Roy K. (2024) Safer and greener chemicals for the aquatic ecosystem: Chemometric modeling of the prolonged and chronic aquatic toxicity of chemicals on Oryzias latipes. Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 273: 106985
Banerjee A, Roy K. (2024) ARKA: a framework of dimensionality reduction for machine-learning classification modeling, risk assessment, and data gap-filling of sparse environmental toxicity data. Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts
Ghosh S, Roy K. (2024) Quantitative read-across structure-activity relationship (q-RASAR): A novel approach to estimate the subchronic oral safety (NOAEL) of diverse organic chemicals in rats. Toxicology. 505: 153824
Kumar V, Banerjee A, Roy K. (2024) Breaking the Barriers: Machine-Learning-Based c-RASAR Approach for Accurate Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Prediction. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Kumar A, Ojha PK, Roy K. (2024) The first report on the assessment of maximum acceptable daily intake (MADI) of pesticides for humans using intelligent consensus predictions. Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts
Ghosh S, Chhabria MT, Roy K. (2024) Chemometric modeling of pharmaceuticals for partitioning between sludge and aqueous phase during the wastewater treatment process. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International
Pore S, Banerjee A, Roy K. (2024) Application of machine learning-based read-across structure-property relationship (RASPR) as a new tool for predictive modelling: Prediction of power conversion efficiency (PCE) for selected classes of organic dyes in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Molecular Informatics. e202300210
Kumar A, Kumar V, Ojha PK, et al. (2024) Chronic aquatic toxicity assessment of diverse chemicals on Daphnia magna using QSAR and chemical read-across. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology : Rtp. 148: 105572
Chatterjee M, Roy K. (2023) Predictive binary mixture toxicity modeling of fluoroquinolones (FQs) and the projection of toxicity of hypothetical binary FQ mixtures: a combination of 2D-QSAR and machine-learning approaches. Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts
Ghosh S, Chatterjee M, Roy K. (2023) Quantitative Read-across structure-activity relationship (q-RASAR): A new approach methodology to model aquatic toxicity of organic pesticides against different fish species. Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 265: 106776
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