Ole Hassager
Affiliations: | Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering | Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark |
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Sign in to add traineeYanwei Wang | grad student | 2003-2008 | Technical University of Denmark |
Qian Huang | grad student | 2010-2013 | Technical University of Denmark |
Yanwei Wang | post-doc | 2008-2010 | Technical University of Denmark |
Qian Huang | post-doc | 2013-2015 | Technical University of Denmark |
Qian Huang | research scientist | 2015-2020 | Technical University of Denmark |
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Mortensen K, Borger AL, Kirkensgaard JJK, et al. (2021) Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of the Structural Relaxation of Elongationally Oriented, Moderately Stretched Three-Arm Star Polymers. Physical Review Letters. 127: 177801 |
Borger A, Wang W, O'Connor TC, et al. (2020) Threading-Unthreading Transition of Linear-Ring Polymer Blends in Extensional Flow. Acs Macro Letters. 9: 1452-1457 |
Huang Q, Madsen J, Yu L, et al. (2018) Highly Anisotropic Glassy Polystyrenes Are Flexible. Acs Macro Letters. 7: 1126-1130 |
Mortensen K, Borger AL, Kirkensgaard JJK, et al. (2018) Structural Studies of Three-Arm Star Block Copolymers Exposed to Extreme Stretch Suggests a Persistent Polymer Tube. Physical Review Letters. 120: 207801 |
Wingstrand SL, Shen B, Kornfield JA, et al. (2017) Rheological Link Between Polymer Melts with a High Molecular Weight Tail and Enhanced Formation of Shish-Kebabs. Acs Macro Letters. 6: 1268-1273 |
Huang Q, Hassager O. (2017) Polymer liquids fracture like solids. Soft Matter |
Kirkensgaard JJ, Hengeller L, Dorokhin A, et al. (2016) Nematic effects and strain coupling in entangled polymer melts under strong flow. Physical Review. E. 94: 020502 |
Huang Q, Alvarez NJ, Shabbir A, et al. (2016) Multiple Cracks Propagate Simultaneously in Polymer Liquids in Tension. Physical Review Letters. 117: 087801 |
Shabbir A, Huang Q, Chen Q, et al. (2016) Brittle fracture in associative polymers: the case of ionomer melts. Soft Matter |
Wingstrand SL, Alvarez NJ, Huang Q, et al. (2015) Linear and Nonlinear Universality in the Rheology of Polymer Melts and Solutions. Physical Review Letters. 115: 078302 |