Prarthana Dharampal
Affiliations: | University of Wisconsin, Department of Entomology |
microbial ecology; food web ecologyGoogle:
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Steffan SA, Dharampal PS, Danforth BN, et al. (2019) Omnivory in Bees: Elevated Trophic Positions among All Major Bee Families. The American Naturalist. 194: 414-421 |
Dharampal PS, Carlson C, Currie CR, et al. (2019) Pollen-borne microbes shape bee fitness. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20182894 |
Steffan SA, Chikaraishi Y, Dharampal PS, et al. (2017) Unpacking brown food-webs: Animal trophic identity reflects rampant microbivory. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 3532-3541 |