Anongruk Chim-Ong

Faculty of Tropical Medicine Mahidol University, Tambon Salaya, Chang Wat Nakhon Pathom, Thailand 
"Anongruk Chim-Ong"
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Hietanen J, Chim-Ong A, Sattabongkot J, et al. (2021) Naturally induced humoral response against Plasmodium vivax reticulocyte binding protein 2P1. Malaria Journal. 20: 246
Chim-Ong A, Surit T, Chainarin S, et al. (2020) The blood stage antigen RBP2-P1 of binds reticulocytes and is a target of naturally acquired immunity. Infection and Immunity
Ngernna S, Chim-Ong A, Roobsoong W, et al. (2019) Efficient synchronization of Plasmodium knowlesi in vitro cultures using guanidine hydrochloride. Malaria Journal. 18: 148
Hietanen J, Chim-Ong A, Chiramanewong T, et al. (2015) Gene models, expression repertoire and immune response of Plasmodium vivax Reticulocyte Binding Proteins. Infection and Immunity
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