Olivier Mentré

Chimie Université de Lille FRANCE 
"Olivier Mentré"
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Zhu T, Mentré O, Yang H, et al. (2021) Cycloidal Magnetic Order Promoted by Labile Mixed Anionic Paths in M(SeO)F (M = Mn, Ni). Inorganic Chemistry
Colmont M, Lemoine K, Roussel P, et al. (2019) Identification and optical features of the PbLnO series (Ln = La, Gd, Sm, Nd); genuine 2D-van der Waals oxides. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England). 55: 2944-2947
Nicoud S, Huve M, Hernandez O, et al. (2017) A comprehensive study of oxygen storage in YbFe2O4+x (x<0.5): unprecedented coexistence of FeOn polyhedra in one single phase. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Kabbour H, Gauthier GH, Tessier F, et al. (2017) Topochemical Reduction of YMnO3 into a Composite Structure. Inorganic Chemistry
Olchowka J, Kabbour H, Colmont M, et al. (2016) ABiO2X (A = Cd, Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb; X = halogen) Sillen X1 Series: Polymorphism Versus Optical Properties. Inorganic Chemistry. 55: 7582-92
Lü M, Aliev A, Olchowka J, et al. (2013) Multidimensional open-frameworks: combinations of one-dimensional channels and two-dimensional layers in novel BI/M oxo-chlorides. Inorganic Chemistry. 53: 528-36
David R, Pautrat A, Filimonov D, et al. (2013) Across the structural re-entrant transition in BaFe2(PO4)2: influence of the two-dimensional ferromagnetism. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135: 13023-9
Mentré O, Kabbour H, Ehora G, et al. (2010) Anion-vacancy-induced magneto-crystalline anisotropy in fluorine-doped hexagonal cobaltites. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132: 4865-75
Mentré O, Ketatni el M, Colmont M, et al. (2006) Structural features of the modulated BiCu2(P(1-x)V(x))O6 solid solution; 4-D treatment of x = 0.87 compound and magnetic spin-gap to gapless transition in new Cu2+ two-leg ladder systems. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128: 10857-67
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