Işıl Akmehmet Balcıoğlu

1990 Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey 
"Işıl Balcıoğlu"
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Sefiloglu FO, Tezel U, Balcıoğlu IA. (2021) Validation of an Analytical Workflow for the Analysis of Pesticide and Emerging Organic Contaminant Residues in Paddy Soil and Rice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Cengiz M, Uslu MO, Balcioglu I. (2010) Treatment of E. coli HB101 and the tetM gene by Fenton's reagent and ozone in cow manure. Journal of Environmental Management. 91: 2590-3
Uslu MO, Balcioğlu IA. (2010) Simultaneous removal of oxytetracycline and sulfamethazine antibacterials from animal waste by chemical oxidation processes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57: 11284-91
Karci A, Balcioğlu IA. (2009) Investigation of the tetracycline, sulfonamide, and fluoroquinolone antimicrobial compounds in animal manure and agricultural soils in Turkey. The Science of the Total Environment. 407: 4652-64
Uslu MO, Balcioğlu IA. (2009) Comparison of the ozonation and Fenton process performances for the treatment of antibiotic containing manure. The Science of the Total Environment. 407: 3450-8
Balcioǧlu IA, Alaton IA, Ötker M, et al. (2003) Application of advanced oxidation processes to different industrial wastewaters Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part a Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 38: 1587-1596
Alaton IA, Balcioglu IA, Bahnemann DW. (2002) Advanced oxidation of a reactive dyebath effluent: comparison of O3, H2O2/UV-C and TiO2/UV-A processes. Water Research. 36: 1143-54
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