Zhiguang Jia

Chemistry University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
"Zhiguang Jia"
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Nordquist E, Zhang G, Barethiya S, et al. (2023) Incorporating physics to overcome data scarcity in predictive modeling of protein function: A case study of BK channels. Plos Computational Biology. 19: e1011460
Nordquist E, Zhang G, Barethiya S, et al. (2023) Incorporating physics to overcome data scarcity in predictive modeling of protein function: a case study of BK channels. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Nordquist EB, Jia Z, Chen J. (2023) Inner pore hydration free energy controls the activation of big potassium channels. Biophysical Journal
Zhang G, Xu X, Jia Z, et al. (2022) An allosteric modulator activates BK channels by perturbing coupling between Ca binding and pore opening. Nature Communications. 13: 6784
Jia Z, Huang J, Chen J. (2022) Activation of TMEM16F by Inner Gate Charged Mutations and Possible Lipid/Ion Permeation Mechanisms. Biophysical Journal
Jia Z, Chen J. (2021) Specific PIP binding promotes calcium activation of TMEM16A chloride channels. Communications Biology. 4: 259
Yazdani M, Jia Z, Chen J. (2020) Hydrophobic dewetting in gating and regulation of transmembrane protein ion channels. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 153: 110901
Jia Z, Yazdani M, Zhang G, et al. (2020) Publisher Correction: Hydrophobic gating in BK channels. Nature Communications. 11: 4497
Yazdani M, Zhang G, Jia Z, et al. (2020) Aromatic interactions with membrane modulate human BK channel activation. Elife. 9
Jia Z, Schmit JD, Chen J. (2020) Amyloid assembly is dominated by misregistered kinetic traps on an unbiased energy landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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