Katrine Kirkeby Skeby

2009-2014 Chemistry Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark 
"Katrine Skeby"
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Christensen M, Skeby KK, Schiøtt B. (2017) Identification of Key Interactions in the Initial Self-Assembly of Amylin in a Membrane Environment. Biochemistry
Jensen MR, Bajic G, Zhang X, et al. (2016) Structural basis for simvastatin competitive antagonism of complement receptor 3. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Skeby KK, Andersen OJ, Pogorelov TV, et al. (2016) Conformational Dynamics of the Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in a Membrane Environment - towards the Aggregation Prone Form. Biochemistry
Grouleff J, Irudayam SJ, Skeby KK, et al. (2015) The influence of cholesterol on membrane protein structure, function, and dynamics studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1848: 1783-95
Andreasen M, Skeby KK, Zhang S, et al. (2014) The importance of being capped: Terminal capping of an amyloidogenic peptide affects fibrillation propensity and fibril morphology. Biochemistry. 53: 6968-80
Skeby KK, Sørensen J, Schiøtt B. (2013) Identification of a common binding mode for imaging agents to amyloid fibrils from molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135: 15114-28
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