David S. Mannel
Affiliations: | 2009-2015 | Chemistry | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
"David Mannel"Mean distance: 8.22 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorShannon S. Stahl | grad student | 2009-2015 | UW Madison | |
(Noble Metal Heterogeneous Catalysts for Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation: Discovery and Mechanism.) |
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Mannel DS, King J, Preger Y, et al. (2018) Mechanistic Insights into Aerobic Oxidative Methyl Esterification of Primary Alcohols with Heterogeneous PdBiTe Catalysts Acs Catalysis. 8: 1038-1047 |
Mannel DS, Ahmed MS, Root TW, et al. (2017) Discovery of Multicomponent Heterogeneous Catalysts via Admixture Screening: PdBiTe Catalysts for Aerobic Oxidative Esterification of Primary Alcohols. Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Ahmed MS, Mannel DS, Root TW, et al. (2017) Aerobic Oxidation of Diverse Primary Alcohols to Carboxylic Acids with a Heterogeneous Pd–Bi–Te/C (PBT/C) Catalyst Organic Process Research & Development. 21: 1388-1393 |
Widger LR, Sarma M, Bryant JJ, et al. (2017) Enhancements in mass transfer for carbon capture solvents part I: Homogeneous catalyst International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 63: 249-259 |
Mannel DS, Stahl SS, Root TW. (2014) Continuous Flow Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation Reactions Using a Heterogeneous Ru(OH) x /Al2O3 Catalyst. Organic Process Research & Development. 18: 1503-1508 |
Greene JF, Hoover JM, Mannel DS, et al. (2013) Continuous-flow aerobic oxidation of primary alcohols with a copper(I)/TEMPO catalyst Organic Process Research and Development. 17: 1247-1251 |