Phillippa C. Taberlay

Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia 
Epigenetics, chromatin, DNA methylation
"Phillippa Taberlay"
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Woodworth AM, Hardy K, Taberlay PC, et al. (2024) RUNX1 regulates promoter activity in the absence of cognate DNA binding motifs. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
Signal B, Pérez Suárez TG, Taberlay PC, et al. (2023) Cellular specificity is key to deciphering epigenetic changes underlying Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 186: 106284
Hogg SJ, Motorna O, Cluse LA, et al. (2021) Targeting histone acetylation dynamics and oncogenic transcription by catalytic P300/CBP inhibition. Molecular Cell. 81: 2183-2200.e13
Giles KA, Gould CM, Achinger-Kawecka J, et al. (2021) BRG1 knockdown inhibits proliferation through multiple cellular pathways in prostate cancer. Clinical Epigenetics. 13: 37
Khoury A, Achinger-Kawecka J, Bert SA, et al. (2020) Constitutively bound CTCF sites maintain 3D chromatin architecture and long-range epigenetically regulated domains. Nature Communications. 11: 54
Skvortsova K, Stirzaker C, Taberlay P. (2019) The DNA methylation landscape in cancer. Essays in Biochemistry. 63: 797-811
Sutton LP, Jeffreys SA, Phillips JL, et al. (2019) DNA methylation changes following DNA damage in prostate cancer cells. Epigenetics. 1-14
Dyer M, Phipps AJ, Mitew S, et al. (2019) Age, but Not Amyloidosis, Induced Changes in Global Levels of Histone Modifications in Susceptible and Disease-Resistant Neurons in Alzheimer's Disease Model Mice. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 11: 68
Giles KA, Gould CM, Du Q, et al. (2019) Integrated epigenomic analysis stratifies chromatin remodellers into distinct functional groups. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 12: 12
Phillips JL, Taberlay PC, Woodworth AM, et al. (2017) Distinct mechanisms of regulation of the ITGA6 and ITGB4 genes by RUNX1 in myeloid cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology
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