People with institution matching "Aston University": Advanced Search
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Ali Al-khattawi (Info) Aston University kcmei 2018‑06‑19
Leandro Ardemani (Info) Aston University (UK) chsafl 2017‑12‑26
John Alexander Blair (Info) Aston University jandh 2012‑05‑19
Lee Durndell (Info) Aston University (UK) chsafl 2017‑12‑26
Robert Evans (Info) University of Manchester, Aston University NMR MN 2018‑04‑18
John Homer (Info) Aston University mjhleeds 2021‑05‑12
Mark J Howard (Info) Aston University, University of Kent (United Kingdom), University of Leeds NMR spectroscopy mjhleeds 2021‑05‑12
Adam F. Lee (Info) Aston University (UK) cpvinod 2015‑12‑21
William Robin McWhinnie (Info) Aston University (UK) Inorganic Chemistry, Organotellurium chemistry Vigyaanik 2018‑10‑07
Afzal R Mohammed (Info) Aston University kcmei 2018‑06‑19
Juan Pablo Neirotti (Info) Aston University Statistical Mechanics, Critical Phenomena,Learning Theory rqtopper 2013‑08‑21
Christopher Parlett (Info) Aston University (UK) chsafl 2017‑05‑01
Anthony J. Pearson (Info) Case Western organoiron chemistry, organocatalysts jandh 2012‑05‑19
Yvonne Perrie (Info) University of London kcmei 2018‑06‑19
Vinod C. Prabhakaran (Info) CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India Surface Science, Spectroscopy, Heterogeneous catalysis cpvinod 2015‑12‑21
John E. Rees (Info) Aston University, University of Bath jandh 2022‑08‑15
Ajai K. Singh (Info) IIT Delhi Organochalcogen ligand chemistry, catalysis, oxidation transfer, hydrogenation, structural chemistry, analytical chemistry and main group chemistry connectingresearchers 2020‑12‑09
Harkesh B. Singh (Info) IIT Bombay Inorganic chemistry, organometallic compounds Vigyaanik 2017‑04‑09
John N. Staniforth (Info) University of Bath jandh 2022‑08‑15
Jiawei Wang (Info) Aston University (catalysis; bioenergy; circular economy) wangj23 2022‑01‑31
Gavin L. Woodhall (Info) Aston University bsuter 2012‑02‑14
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