People with institution matching "Calvin College": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Carolyn E. Anderson (Info) Calvin College Organic synthesis cea3 2014‑09‑04
David E Benson (Info) Calvin College metalloenzymes, amino acid crosslinks rjm 2021‑02‑18
Michael Bosscher (Info) Chicago, Trinity Christian College pq 2015‑11‑15
Roger L. DeKock (Info) Calvin College computational chemistry, chemistry education jevandezande 2019‑11‑25
Anand Divakaran (Info) UC Berkeley Chemical Biology, Epigenetics adivakaran 2021‑09‑13
Ryan J Martinie (Info) Hamilton College metalloenzymes, bioinorganic chemistry, natural products rjm 2019‑09‑12
Nathan A Romero (Info) UCSD rjm 2021‑02‑18
Douglas Alan Vander Griend (Info) Calvin College, Furman College, Northwestern inorganic chemistry, chemical education kripke 2015‑09‑28
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