People with institution matching "IBS Korea": Advanced Search
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Steve Granick (Info) UIUC single-molecule methods, polymers, complex fluids, and biomaterials jandh 2013‑02‑13
Kimoon Kim (Info) POSTECH Inorganic Chemistry hampyong 2014‑08‑27
Rahul Dev Mukhopadhyay (Info) SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai self-assembly, stimuli-responsive materials, smart materials rdevmukherjee 2018‑06‑06
Ji Young Park (Info) IBS Korea Relativistic Chemistry, Organometallics mutnauq7 2017‑04‑05
Wei Wang (Info) Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School active colloids wangcomeon 2016‑11‑17
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