People with institution matching "Psychology": Advanced Search
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Peter Dews (Info) Harvard Medical School Behavioral pharmacology CJM3 2009‑02‑28
Esmeralda G. Fonseca de la Cruz (Info) Instituto de Fisiología Celular, UNAM Binge eating, electrophysiology Efonseca 2012‑12‑17
Georg Jahn (Info) Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Psychology Human Spatial Reasoning, Spatial Language, Dialogue and Discourse Comprehension, Bounded Rationality, Multiple Object Tracking, Human Factors (Driver Information Systems) feiler 2007‑01‑31
Arjun Kumar (Info) SUNY Downstate Medical Center Pain System Xyph111 2013‑02‑12
Kathrin Ohla (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center taste, vision, smell, cognition, EEG, brain, humans kohla 2010‑04‑26
George Wald (Info) Harvard identified vitamin A in the retina, biochemistry of vision hayden 2005‑01‑26
Jozef J. Zwislocki (Info) Syracuse Psychophysics, auditory system, biophysics david 2006‑07‑18
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