John R. Pucher

Graduate School - New Brunswick Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
Urban and Regional Planning, Transportation, Sustainability
"John Pucher"
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Buehler R, Pucher J, Bauman A. (2020) Physical activity from walking and cycling for daily travel in the United States, 2001-2017: demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic variation Journal of Transport and Health. 16: 100811
Buehler R, Pucher J, Dümmler O. (2019) Verkehrsverbund: The evolution and spread of fully integrated regional public transport in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 13: 36-50
Pucher J. (2018) The urban transport crisis in emerging economies Transport Reviews. 38: 271-273
Buehler R, Pucher J. (2017) Trends in Walking and Cycling Safety: Recent Evidence From High-Income Countries, With a Focus on the United States and Germany. American Journal of Public Health. 107: 281-287
Buehler R, Pucher J, Altshuler A. (2017) Vienna's path to sustainable transport International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 11: 257-271
Pucher J, Buehler R. (2017) Cycling towards a more sustainable transport future Transport Reviews. 37: 689-694
Buehler R, Pucher J, Gerike R, et al. (2017) Reducing car dependence in the heart of Europe: lessons from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland Transport Reviews. 37: 4-28
Pucher J, Buehler R. (2016) Safer Cycling Through Improved Infrastructure. American Journal of Public Health. 106: 2089-2091
Buehler R, Pucher J. (2012) Demand for Public Transport in Germany and the USA: An Analysis of Rider Characteristics Transport Reviews. 32: 541-567
Buehler R, Pucher J. (2012) Cycling to work in 90 large American cities: new evidence on the role of bike paths and lanes Transportation. 39: 409-432
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