Bo-sin Tang

Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong) 
Urban and Regional Planning
"Bo-sin Tang"
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Shi C, Tang B. (2020) Institutional change and diversity in the transfer of land development rights in China: The case of Chengdu: Urban Studies. 57: 473-489
Tang B, Wong SW, Ho WKO, et al. (2020) Urban land uses within walking catchment of metro stations in a transit-oriented city Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
Wang H, Wei S, Tang B, et al. (2018) A comparative study on registration system of real estate between Hong Kong and Mainland China Property Management. 36: 0-0
Li Y, Chen X, Tang B, et al. (2018) From project to policy: Adaptive reuse and urban industrial land restructuring in Guangzhou City, China Cities. 82: 68-76
Tang B. (2017) Is the distribution of public open space in Hong Kong equitable, why not? Landscape and Urban Planning. 161: 80-89
Cheung DMW, Tang BS. (2016) Recreation space or urban land reserve? Land-use zoning patterns and the transformation of open space in Hong Kong Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 142
Lai Y, Tang B. (2016) Institutional barriers to redevelopment of urban villages in China: a transaction cost perspective Land Use Policy. 58: 482-490
Wang H, Shen Q, Tang B. (2015) GIS-Based Framework for Supporting Land Use Planning in Urban Renewal: Case Study in Hong Kong Journal of Urban Planning and Development-Asce. 141: 5014015-5014015
Tang Bs, Ho WKO. (2015) Land-use planning and market adjustment under de-industrialization: Restructuring of industrial space in Hong Kong Land Use Policy. 43: 28-36
Cheung DMw, Tang Bs. (2015) Social order, leisure, or tourist attraction? The changing planning missions for waterfront space in Hong Kong Habitat International. 47: 231-240
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