Jakub Truszkowski

European Bioinformatics Institute and CRUK CI 
"Jakub Truszkowski"
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Truszkowski J, Perrigo A, Broman D, et al. (2023) Online tree expansion could help solve the problem of scalability in Bayesian phylogenetics. Systematic Biology
De Maio N, Alekseyenko AV, Coleman-Smith WJ, et al. (2021) A phylogenetic approach for weighting genetic sequences. Bmc Bioinformatics. 22: 285
Truszkowski J, Scornavacca C, Pardi F. (2020) Computing the probability of gene trees concordant with the species tree in the multispecies coalescent. Theoretical Population Biology
Truszkowski J, Goldman N. (2015) Maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference is consistent on multiple sequence alignments, with or without gaps. Systematic Biology
Brown DG, Truszkowski J. (2013) LSHPlace: fast phylogenetic placement using locality-sensitive hashing. Pacific Symposium On Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium On Biocomputing. 310-319
Masella AP, Bartram AK, Truszkowski JM, et al. (2012) PANDAseq: paired-end assembler for illumina sequences. Bmc Bioinformatics. 13: 31
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