Salil P. Vadhan
Affiliations: | Computer Science | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
"Salil Vadhan"Parents
Sign in to add mentorShafi Goldwasser | grad student | 1999 | MIT | |
(A Study of Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs) |
Sign in to add traineeMinh-Huyen Nguyen | grad student | 2006 | Harvard |
Emanuele Viola | grad student | 2006 | Harvard |
Shien Jin Ong | grad student | 2007 | Harvard |
Kai-Min Chung | grad student | 2011 | Harvard |
Jonathan R. Ullman | grad student | 2013 | Harvard |
Jia Zheng | grad student | 2014 | Harvard |
Mark Bun | grad student | 2016 | Harvard |
Thomas Steinke | grad student | 2016 | Harvard |
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Ullman J, Vadhan S. (2020) PCPs and the Hardness of Generating Synthetic Data Journal of Cryptology. 1-35 |
Chen Y, Göös M, Vadhan SP, et al. (2018) A tight lower bound for entropy flattening Electronic Colloquium On Computational Complexity. 25: 28 |
Bun M, Ullman J, Vadhan SP. (2018) Fingerprinting Codes and the Price of Approximate Differential Privacy Siam Journal On Computing. 47: 1888-1938 |
Steinke T, Vadhan SP, Wan A. (2017) Pseudorandomness and Fourier-Growth Bounds for Width-3 Branching Programs Theory of Computing. 13: 1-50 |
Chung K, Mitzenmacher M, Vadhan SP. (2013) Why Simple Hash Functions Work: Exploiting the Entropy in a Data Stream Theory of Computing. 9: 897-945 |
Haitner I, Reingold O, Vadhan S. (2013) Efficiency improvements in constructing pseudorandom generators from one-way functions Siam Journal On Computing. 42: 1405-1430 |
Reingold O, Steinke T, Vadhan S. (2013) Pseudorandomness for regular branching programs via Fourier analysis Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8096: 655-670 |
Reshef YA, Vadhan SP. (2013) On extractors and exposure‐resilient functions for sublogarithmic entropy Random Structures and Algorithms. 42: 386-401 |
Schoenebeck GR, Vadhan S. (2012) The computational complexity of nash equilibria in concisely represented games Acm Transactions On Computation Theory. 4 |
Goldreich O, Vadhan S. (2012) Special issue from RANDOM’09: Editors’ Foreword Computational Complexity. 21: 1-1 |