George Necula
Affiliations: | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
Programming Systems (PS); Security (SEC); software engineering, security, program analysisGoogle:
"George Necula"Children
Sign in to add traineeRobert R. Schneck | grad student | 2004 | UC Berkeley |
Sumit Gulwani | grad student | 2005 | UC Berkeley |
Scott G. McPeak | grad student | 2005 | UC Berkeley |
Westley R. Weimer | grad student | 2005 | UC Berkeley |
John Kodumal | grad student | 2006 | UC Berkeley |
Tachio Terauchi | grad student | 2006 | UC Berkeley |
Arindam Chakrabarti | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley |
Adam J. Chlipala | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley |
Jeremy P. Condit | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley |
Matthew T. Harren | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley |
Bor-Yuh E. Chang | grad student | 2008 | UC Berkeley |
Wontae Choi | grad student | 2017 | UC Berkeley |
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Sen K, Necula G, Gong L, et al. (2015) MultiSE: Multi-path symbolic execution using value summaries 2015 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the Acm Sigsoft Symposium On the Foundations of Software Engineering, Esec/Fse 2015 - Proceedings. 842-853 |
Choi W, Chandra S, Necula G, et al. (2015) SJS: A type system for javascript with fixed object layout Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9291: 181-198 |
Burnim J, Elmas T, Necula G, et al. (2012) NDetermin: Inferring nondeterministic sequential specifications for parallelism correctness Acm Sigplan Notices. 47: 329-330 |
Burnim J, Necula G, Sen K. (2012) Specifying and checking semantic atomicity for multithreaded programs Acm Sigplan Notices. 47: 79-90 |
Burnim J, Elmas T, Necula G, et al. (2011) NDSeq: Runtime checking for nondeterministic sequential specifications of parallel correctness Proceedings of the Acm Sigplan Conference On Programming Language Design and Implementation (Pldi). 401-414 |
Weimer W, Necula GC. (2008) Exceptional situations and program reliability Acm Transactions On Programming Languages and Systems. 30 |
Chander A, Espinosa D, Islam N, et al. (2007) Enforcing resource bounds via static verification of dynamic checks Acm Transactions On Programming Languages and Systems. 29 |
Gulwani S, Necula GC. (2007) A polynomial-time algorithm for global value numbering Science of Computer Programming. 64: 97-114 |
Condit J, Harren M, Anderson Z, et al. (2007) Dependent types for low-level programming Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 4421: 520-535 |
Chang BYE, Chlipala A, Necula GC. (2006) A framework for certified program analysis and its applications to mobile-code safety Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 3855: 174-189 |