Piyush Mehrotra

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, United States 
Computer Science
"Piyush Mehrotra"
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Laure E, Haines M, Mehrotra P, et al. (2000) On the implementation of the Opus coordination language Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 12: 227-249
Laure E, Mehrotra P, Zima HP. (1999) Opus: Heterogeneous Computing With Data Parallel Tasks Parallel Processing Letters. 9: 275-289
Hayder ME, Keyes DE, Mehrotra P. (1998) A comparison of PETSc library and HPF implementations of an archetypal PDS computation Advances in Engineering Software. 29: 415-423
Chapman B, Mehrotra P. (1998) OpenMP and HPF: Integrating two paradigms Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 1470: 650-658
Haines M, Mehrotra P, Cronk D. (1997) Data-Parallel Programming in a Multithreaded Environment Scientific Programming. 6: 187-200
Schreiber R, Mehrotra P. (1997) High Performance Fortran comes of age: guest editors' introduction Scientific Programming. 6: 1-2
S. LR, Hatcher PJ, Quinn MJ, et al. (1994) Data-Parallel Programming on MIMD Computers. Mathematics of Computation. 63: 424
Chapman B, Mehrotra P, Zima H. (1992) Programming in vienna fortram Scientific Programming. 1: 31-50
Chapman B, Zima H, Mehrotra P. (1992) Programming in Vienna Fortran Scientific Programming. 1: 31-50
Hiranandani S, Saltz J, Mehrotra P, et al. (1991) Performance of hashed cache data migration schemes on multicomputers Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 12: 415-422
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