Gyungho Lee

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Computer Science
"Gyungho Lee"
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Lee H, Pyo C, Lee G. (2019) Dynamic reencryption of return addresses Iet Information Security. 13: 76-85
Lee Y, Lee G. (2018) Detecting Code Reuse Attacks with Branch Prediction Ieee Computer. 51: 40-47
Park S, Lee Y, Lee G. (2017) Program Counter Encoding for ARM® Architecture Journal of Information Security. 8: 42-55
Ahn D, Lee G. (2015) A Memory-Access Validation Scheme against Payload Injection Attacks Ieee Transactions On Dependable and Secure Computing. 12: 367-399
Ahn Y, Lee Y, Choi J, et al. (2014) Monitoring Translation Lookahead Buffers to Detect Code Injection Attacks Ieee Computer. 47: 66-72
Ahn Y, Lee Y, Lee G. (2013) Power and Time Efficient IP Lookup Table Design Using Partitioned TCAMs Circuits and Systems. 4: 299-303
Lee G, Shi Y. (2010) Erratum to Access region cache with register guided memory reference partitioning [Journal of Systems Architecture 55 (2009) 434-445] Journal of Systems Architecture. 56: 75
Lee G, Shi Y, Lin H. (2009) Indirect Branch Validation Unit Microprocessors and Microsystems. 33: 461-468
Park Y-, Zhang Z, Lee G. (2006) Microarchitectural Protection Against Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Attacks Ieee Micro. 26: 62-71
Kong J, Yew PC, Lee G. (2005) Minimizing the directory size for large-scale shared-memory multiprocessors Ieice Transactions On Information and Systems. 2533-2542
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