Gordon B. Davis

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Management Business Administration, Computer Science
"Gordon Davis"


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Eric A. Walden grad student 2002 UMN
Andrew P. Jansma grad student 2003 UMN
Gwanhoo Lee grad student 2003 UMN
Kelly T. Slaughter grad student 2008 UMN
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Davis GB. (2009) Useful lessons from my career as an academic in information systems Communications of the Association For Information Systems. 25: 437-450
Lyytinen KJ, Varshney U, Davis G, et al. (2004) Surfing the Next Wave: Design and Implementation Challenges of Ubiquitous Computing Communications of the Association For Information Systems. 13
Venkatesh V, Morris MG, Davis GB, et al. (2003) User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view Mis Quarterly: Management Information Systems. 27: 425-478
Davis GB. (1999) A Research Perspective for Information Systems and Example of Emerging Area of Research Information Systems Frontiers. 1: 195-203
Janz BD, Wetherbe JC, Davis GB, et al. (1997) Reengineering the Systems Development Process: The Link between Autonomous Teams and Business Process Outcomes Journal of Management Information Systems. 14: 41-68
Gorgone JT, Davis GB, Valacich JS, et al. (1996) IS 2002 Model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in information systems Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie. 239: XI-52
Davis GB, Gorgone JT, Couger JD, et al. (1996) IS '97: model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in information systems Acm Sigmis Database. 28: 1-94
Couger JD, Davis GB, Dologite DG, et al. (1995) IS '95: guidelines for undergraduate IS curriculum Management Information Systems Quarterly. 19: 341-359
Davis GB, Lee AS, Nickles KR, et al. (1992) Diagnosis of an information system failure. A framework and interpretive process Information and Management. 23: 293-318
Jarvenpaa SL, Ives B, Davis GB. (1991) Supply/demand of is doctorates in the 1990s Communications of the Acm. 34: 86-99
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