John K. Johnstone

University of Alabama, Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States 
Computer Science
"John Johnstone"


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Xiaqing Wu grad student 2003 UAB
B. D. O'Gwynn grad student 2011 UAB
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Johnstone JK. (2017) On the nesting of a contour dataset and its use in repair Computer-Aided Design and Applications. 14: 796-804
Johnstone JK, Rhodes L, Fazio M, et al. (2016) Measuring Mean Cup Depth in the Optic Nerve Head. Computer-Aided Design and Applications. 13: 693-700
Elber G, Johnstone JK, Kim MS, et al. (2006) The kernel of a freeform surface and its duality with the convex hull of its tangential surface International Journal of Shape Modeling. 12: 129-142
Seong JK, Elber G, Johnstone JK, et al. (2004) The convex hull of freeform surfaces Computing (Vienna/New York). 72: 171-183
Johnstone JK. (2004) The Bézier tangential surface system: A robust dual representation of tangent space Computing (Vienna/New York). 72: 105-115
Johnstone JK, Williams JP. (1995) A rational model of the surface swept by a curve* Computer Graphics Forum. 14: 77-88
Shene CK, Johnstone JK. (1994) On the Lower Degree Intersections of two Natural Quadrics Acm Transactions On Graphics (Tog). 13: 400-424
Shene CK, Johnstone JK. (1994) Computing the intersection of a plane and a revolute quadric Computers and Graphics. 18: 47-59
Johnstone JK. (1993) A new intersection algorithm for cyclides and swept surfaces using circle decomposition Computer Aided Geometric Design. 10: 1-24
Johnstone JK, Shene CK. (1992) Computing the intersection of a plane and a natural quadric Computers and Graphics. 16: 179-186
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