William A. Maniatty

State University of New York, Albany, Albany, NY, United States 
Computer Science
"William Maniatty"
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Caraco T, Glavanakov S, Li S, et al. (2006) Spatially structured superinfection and the evolution of disease virulence. Theoretical Population Biology. 69: 367-84
Glavanakov S, White DJ, Caraco T, et al. (2001) Lyme disease in New York State: spatial pattern at a regional scale. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 65: 538-45
Caraco T, Duryea MC, Glavanakov S, et al. (2001) Host spatial heterogeneity and the spread of vector-borne infection. Theoretical Population Biology. 59: 185-206
Maniatty WA, Szymanski BK, Caraco T. (2001) Parallel computing with generalized cellular automata Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience. 1: 51-75
Duryea M, Caraco T, Gardner G, et al. (1999) Population dispersion and equilibrium infection frequency in a spatial epidemic Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 132: 511-519
Caraco T, Gardner G, Maniatty W, et al. (1998) Lyme disease: self-regulation and pathogen invasion. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 193: 561-75
Caraco T, Duryea M, Gardner G, et al. (1998) Host spatial heterogeneity and extinction of an SIS epidemic. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 192: 351-61
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