Gordon Erlebacher

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
Computer Science
"Gordon Erlebacher"


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Han-Ku Lee grad student 2003 Florida State
Sangmi Lee grad student 2003 Florida State
Ji Shen grad student 2010 Florida State
Evan F. Bollig grad student 2013 Florida State


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Maurizio De Pittà collaborator 2019- (Neurotree)
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Bollig EF, Flyer N, Erlebacher G. (2012) Solution to PDEs using radial basis function finite-differences (RBF-FD) on multiple GPUs Journal of Computational Physics. 231: 7133-7151
Shen J, Li Q, Erlebacher G. (2011) Hybrid no-reference natural image quality assessment of noisy, blurry, JPEG2000, and JPEG images. Ieee Transactions On Image Processing : a Publication of the Ieee Signal Processing Society. 20: 2089-98
Komatitsch D, Erlebacher G, Göddeke D, et al. (2010) High-order finite-element seismic wave propagation modeling with MPI on a large GPU cluster Journal of Computational Physics. 229: 7692-7714
Komatitsch D, Göddeke D, Erlebacher G, et al. (2010) Modeling the propagation of elastic waves using spectral elements on a cluster of 192 GPUs Computer Science - Research and Development. 25: 75-82
Qu Y, Erlebacher G, Bollig E, et al. (2010) Toolkits for automatic web service and GUI generation: KWATT Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience. 22: 1703-1719
Qu Y, Erlebacher G, Bollig EF, et al. (2010) Toolkits for automatic web service and GUI generation Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 22: 1703-1719
Shen J, Li Q, Erlebacher G. (2009) Curvelet based no-reference objective image quality assessment 2009 Picture Coding Symposium, Pcs 2009
Komatitsch D, Michéa D, Erlebacher G. (2009) Porting a high-order finite-element earthquake modeling application to NVIDIA graphics cards using CUDA Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 69: 451-460
Qu Y, Bollig EF, Erlebacher G. (2008) KWATT: A toolkit for automatic web service generation Visual Geosciences. 13: 59-69
da Silva CRS, da Silveira PRC, Karki B, et al. (2007) Virtual laboratory for planetary materials: System service architecture overview Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 163: 321-332
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