Manas Saksena

Concordia University (Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada 
Computer Science
"Manas Saksena"
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Kang DI, Gerber R, Saksena M. (2000) Parametric design synthesis of distributed embedded systems Ieee Transactions On Computers. 49: 1155-1169
Park JW, Kim YS, Hong S, et al. (1998) Network conscious design of distributed real-time systems Journal of Systems Architecture. 45: 131-156
Kang DIK, Gerber R, Saksena M. (1997) Performance-based design of distributed real-time systems Real-Time Technology and Applications - Proceedings. 2-13
Gerber R, Hong S, Saksena M. (1995) Guaranteeing Real-Time Requirements With Resource-Based Calibration of Periodic Processes Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering. 21: 579-592
Gerber R, Pugh W, Saksena M. (1995) Parametric Dispatching of Hard Real-Time Tasks Ieee Transactions On Computers. 44: 471-479
Gerber R, Hong S, Saksena M. (1994) Guaranteeing end-to-end timing constraints by calibrating intermediate processes Proceedings - Real-Time Systems Symposium. 192-203
Yuan X(, Saksena MC, Agrawala AK. (1994) A decomposition approach to non-preemptive real-time scheduling Real-Time Systems. 6: 7-35
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