Peter Grogono

Concordia University (Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada 
Computer Science
"Peter Grogono"
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Zhu M, Grogono P, Ormandjieva O. (2017) Exploring Relationships between Syntax and Semantics of a Process-Oriented Language by Category Theory Procedia Computer Science. 109: 241-248
Zhu M, Grogono P, Ormandjieva O, et al. (2016) Using Failures and Category Theory to Verify Process Communications between Design and Implementation of Concurrent Systems Procedia Computer Science. 83: 700-704
Zhu M, Grogono P, Ormandjieva O. (2015) Using category theory to verify implementation against design in concurrent systems Procedia Computer Science. 52: 530-537
Lu B, Grogono P, Paquet J. (2003) Distributed execution of multidimensional programming languages Proceedings of the Iasted International Conference On Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems. 15: 284-288
Grogono P, Batarekh A, Preece A, et al. (1991) Expert system evaluation techniques: a selected bibliography Expert Systems. 8: 227-239
Batarekh A, Preece AD, Bennett A, et al. (1991) Specifying an expert system Expert Systems With Applications. 2: 285-303
Grogono P. (1973) MUSYS: Software for an electronic music studio Software - Practice and Experience. 3: 369-383
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