Ayad Salhieh, Ph.D.

2004 Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
"Ayad Salhieh"


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Loren Schwiebert grad student 2004 Wayne State
 (Efficient communication in stationary wireless sensor networks.)
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Al-Jarrah O, Salhieh A, Qaroush A. (2010) Real-time power-aware routing protocol for wireless sensor network Communications in Computer and Information Science. 54: 156-166
Salhieh AM, Obeidallah MG. (2009) A new hybrid approach for detection and estimation in wireless sensor networks 2009 Wri World Congress On Computer Science and Information Engineering, Csie 2009. 1: 379-383
Salhieh A, Schwiebert L. (2004) Power-aware metrics for wireless sensor networks International Journal of Computers and Applications. 26: 119-125
Salhieh A, Weinmann J, Kochhal M, et al. (2001) Power efficient topologies for wireless sensor networks Proceedings of the International Conference On Parallel Processing. 2001: 156-163
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