Sebastian Elbaum
Affiliations: | Computer Science | The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE |
Computer ScienceGoogle:
"Sebastian Elbaum"Children
Sign in to add traineeMarc Fisher | grad student | 2008 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Joseph R. Ruthruff | grad student | 2008 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Zhimin Wang | grad student | 2008 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Madeline M. Diep | grad student | 2009 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Kathryn T. Stolee | grad student | 2013 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Pingyu Zhang | grad student | 2013 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
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Sadowski C, Stolee KT, Elbaum S. (2015) How developers search for code: A case study 2015 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the Acm Sigsoft Symposium On the Foundations of Software Engineering, Esec/Fse 2015 - Proceedings. 191-201 |
Stolee KT, Elbaum S, Dobos D. (2014) Solving the search for source code Acm Transactions On Software Engineering and Methodology. 23 |
Rizzi EF, Dwyer MB, Elbaum S. (2014) Safely reducing the cost of unit level symbolic execution through read/write analysis Acm Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes. 39: 1-5 |
Stolee KT, Elbaum S, Dwyer MB. (2014) Code search with input/output queries: Generalizing, ranking, and assessment Journal of Systems and Software |
Stolee KT, Elbaum S. (2013) Identification, impact, and refactoring of smells in pipe-like web mashups Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering. 39: 1654-1679 |
Stolee KT, Elbaum S. (2013) On the use of input/output queries for code search International Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. 251-254 |
Stolee KT, Elbaum S, Sarma A. (2013) Discovering how end-user programmers and their communities use public repositories: A study on Yahoo! Pipes Information and Software Technology. 55: 1289-1303 |
Fisher M, Elbaum S, Rothermel G. (2013) An automated analysis methodology to detect inconsistencies in web services with WSDL interfaces Software Testing Verification and Reliability. 23: 27-51 |
Stolee KT, Elbaum S. (2012) Toward semantic search via SMT solver Proceedings of the Acm Sigsoft 20th International Symposium On the Foundations of Software Engineering, Fse 2012 |
Diep MM, Dwyer MB, Elbaum S. (2011) Lattice-based sampling for path property monitoring Acm Transactions On Software Engineering and Methodology. 21 |