Andrew P. Ciganek, Ph.D.

2006 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 
Management Business Administration, Computer Science
"Andrew Ciganek"


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William ( Haseman grad student 2006 UW-Milwaukee
 (The need for speed: The decision to adopt service -oriented architecture.)
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Omigie NO, Zo H, Ciganek AP, et al. (2020) Understanding the Continuance of Mobile Financial Services in Kenya: The Roles of Utilitarian, Hedonic, and Personal Values Journal of Global Information Management. 28: 36-57
Omigie NO, Zo H, Rho JJ, et al. (2017) Customer pre-adoption choice behavior for M-PESA mobile financial services: Extending the theory of consumption values Industrial Management and Data Systems. 117: 910-926
Han S, Yoo J, Zo H, et al. (2017) Understanding makerspace continuance Telematics and Informatics. 34: 184-195
Lee K, Yoo J, Choi M, et al. (2016) Does External Knowledge Sourcing Enhance Market Performance? Evidence from the Korean Manufacturing Industry. Plos One. 11: e0168676
Bhuasiri W, Zo H, Lee H, et al. (2016) User Acceptance of e-government Services: Examining an e-tax Filing and Payment System in Thailand Information Technology For Development. 1-24
Hwang J, Lee H, Kim K, et al. (2016) Cyber neutralisation and flaming Behaviour and Information Technology. 1-15
Tehone AB, Zo H, Ciganek AP. (2015) Why do people use social computing? An experiential perspective Internet Research. 25: 338-357
Lee H, Lim D, Kim H, et al. (2015) Compensation paradox: The influence of monetary rewards on user behaviour Behaviour and Information Technology. 34: 45-56
Alraimi KM, Zo H, Ciganek AP. (2015) Understanding the MOOCs continuance: The role of openness and reputation Computers and Education. 80: 28-38
Song YK, Zo H, Ciganek AP. (2014) Multi-criteria evaluation of mobile network sharing policies in Korea Etri Journal. 36: 572-580
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