Qussai Yaseen, Ph.D.

2012 Computer Science University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 
Computer Science
"Qussai Yaseen"


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Brajendra Panda grad student 2012 University of Arkansas
 (Mitigating insider threat in relational database systems.)
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Althebyan Q, Jararweh Y, Yaseen Q, et al. (2020) A knowledgebase insider threat mitigation model in the cloud: a proactive approach International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms. 15: 417-436
Alqudah N, Yaseen Q. (2020) Machine Learning for Traffic Analysis: A Review Procedia Computer Science. 170: 911-916
Yaseen Q, Aldwairi M, Jararweh Y, et al. (2018) Collusion attacks mitigation in internet of things: a fog based model Multimedia Tools and Applications. 77: 18249-18268
Yaseen Q, Jararweh Y, Panda B, et al. (2017) An insider threat aware access control for cloud relational databases Cluster Computing. 20: 2669-2685
Althebyan Q, Mohawesh R, Yaseen Q, et al. (2016) Mitigating insider threats in a cloud using a knowledgebase approach while maintaining data availability 2015 10th International Conference For Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Icitst 2015. 226-231
Althebyan Q, Yaseen Q, Jararweh Y, et al. (2016) Cloud support for large scale e-healthcare systems Annales Des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications. 1-13
Yaseen Q, Althebyan Q, Panda B, et al. (2016) Mitigating insider threat in cloud relational databases Security and Communication Networks. 9: 1132-1145
Althebyan Q, Jararweh Y, Yaseen Q, et al. (2016) Evaluating map reduce tasks scheduling algorithms over cloud computing infrastructure Concurrency Computation. 27: 5686-5699
Yaseen Q, Althebyan Q, Jararweh Y. (2013) PEP-side caching: An insider threat port Proceedings of the 2013 Ieee 14th International Conference On Information Reuse and Integration, Ieee Iri 2013. 137-144
Yaseen Q, Panda B. (2012) Tackling insider threat in cloud relational databases Proceedings - 2012 Ieee/Acm 5th International Conference On Utility and Cloud Computing, Ucc 2012. 215-218
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