Bryan Chadwick, Ph.D.

2010 Computer and Information Science Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States 
Computer Science
"Bryan Chadwick"


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Karl Lieberherr grad student 2010 Northeastern University
 (Functional adaptive programming.)
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Chadwick B, Lieberherr K. (2010) Algorithms for traversal-based generic programming Proceedings of the Acm Sigplan International Conference On Functional Programming, Icfp. 61-72
Chadwick B, Lieberherr K. (2010) Weaving generic programming and traversal performance Aosd.10 - 9th International Conference On Aspect-Oriented Software Development. 61-72
Chadwick B, Lieberherr K. (2010) A functional approach to generic programming using adaptive traversals Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation. 23: 433-463
Chadwick B, Lieberherr K. (2009) A type system for functional traversal-based aspects Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop On Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages, Foal '09, Co-Located With the 8th International Conference On Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Aosd.09. 1-5
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