Robin A. Gandhi

Information Technology University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE, United States 
Information Technology, Computer Science
"Robin Gandhi"
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Mandal S, Gandhi RA, Siy HP. (2020) Modular norm models: practical representation and analysis of contractual rights and obligations Requirements Engineering. 25: 383-412
Gandhi RA, Crosby K, Siy H, et al. (2014) Gauging the impact of FISMA on software security Computer. 47: 103-107
Wu Y, Gandhi R, Siy H. (2013) Semi-Automatic Annotation of Natural Language Vulnerability Reports International Journal of Secure Software Engineering. 4: 18-41
Sharma A, Gandhi R, Zhu Q, et al. (2013) A social dimensional cyber threat model with formal concept analysis and fact-proposition inference International Journal of Information and Computer Security. 5: 301-333
Gandhi RA, Lee SW. (2011) Discovering multidimensional correlations among regulatory requirements to understand risk Acm Transactions On Software Engineering and Methodology. 20
Gandhi R, Sharma A, Mahoney W, et al. (2011) Dimensions of Cyber-Attacks: Cultural, Social, Economic, and Political Ieee Technology and Society Magazine. 30: 28-38
Mahoney W, Gandhi RA. (2011) An integrated framework for control system simulation and regulatory compliance monitoring International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection. 4: 41-53
Lee SW, Gandhi RA, Wagle SJ. (2009) Ontology-guided service-oriented architecture composition to support complex and tailorable process definitions International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 19: 791-821
Lee SW, Gandhi RA, Ahn GJ. (2007) Certification process artifacts defined as measurable units for software assurance Software Process Improvement and Practice. 12: 165-189
Lee SW, Muthurajan D, Gandhi RA, et al. (2006) Building decision support problem domain ontology from natural language requirements for software assurance International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. 16: 851-884
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