David A. Naumann
Affiliations: | Computer Science | Stevens Institute of Technology |
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"David Naumann"
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Banerjee A, Naumann DA, Nikouei M. (2018) A Logical Analysis of Framing for Specifications with Pure Method Calls Acm Transactions On Programming Languages and Systems. 40: 6 |
Assaf M, Naumann DA. (2016) Calculational design of information flow monitors Proceedings - Ieee Computer Security Foundations Symposium. 2016 |
Naumann DA. (2016) Towards patterns for heaps and imperative lambdas The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 85: 1038-1056 |
Leavens GT, Naumann DA. (2015) Behavioral subtyping, specification inheritance, and modular reasoning Acm Transactions On Programming Languages and Systems. 37 |
Banerjee A, Naumann DA. (2014) A logical analysis of framing for specifications with pure method calls Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8471 |
Banerjee A, Naumann DA, Rosenberg S. (2013) Local reasoning for global invariants, Part I: Region logic Journal of the Acm. 60 |
Banerjee A, Naumann DA. (2013) Local reasoning for global invariants, Part II: Dynamic boundaries Journal of the Acm. 60 |
Banerjee A, Naumann DA. (2013) State based encapsulation for modular reasoning about behavior-preserving refactorings Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 7850: 319-365 |
Silva L, Naumann DA, Sampaio A. (2010) Refactoring and representation independence for class hierarchies 24th European Conference On Object-Oriented Programming, Ecoop 2010 Workshop Proceedings - Workshop 5:12th Workshop On Formal Techniques For Java-Like Programs, Ftfjp'10 |
Naumann DA, Banerjee A. (2010) Dynamic boundaries: Information hiding by second order framing with first order assertions Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6012: 2-22 |