Bhaskar DasGupta

Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
Computer Science
"Bhaskar DasGupta"
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Chatterjee T, Albert R, Thapliyal S, et al. (2021) Detecting network anomalies using Forman-Ricci curvature and a case study for human brain networks. Scientific Reports. 11: 8121
Chatterjee T, DasGupta B, Palmieri L, et al. (2020) On theoretical and empirical algorithmic analysis of the efficiency gap measure in partisan gerrymandering Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 40: 512-546
DasGupta B, Janardhanan MV, Yahyanejad F. (2020) Why Did the Shape of Your Network Change? (On Detecting Network Anomalies via Non-local Curvatures) Algorithmica. 82: 1741-1783
Chatterjee T, DasGupta B, Mobasheri N, et al. (2019) On the computational complexities of three problems related to a privacy measure for large networks under active attack Theoretical Computer Science. 775: 53-67
DasGupta B, Mobasheri N, Yero IG. (2019) On analyzing and evaluating privacy measures for social networks under active attack Information Sciences. 473: 87-100
Ayala D, Wolfson O, Dasgupta B, et al. (2018) Spatio-Temporal Matching for Urban Transportation Applications Acm Transactions On Spatial Algorithms and Systems. 3: 11
Gunawan ADM, DasGupta B, Zhang L. (2017) A decomposition theorem and two algorithms for reticulation-visible networks Information & Computation. 252: 161-175
DasGupta B, Mobasheri N. (2017) On optimal approximability results for computing the strong metric dimension Discrete Applied Mathematics. 221: 18-24
Albert R, DasGupta B, Mobasheri N. (2014) Topological implications of negative curvature for biological and social networks. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 89: 032811
DasGupta B, Kaligounder L. (2014) On global stability of financial networks Journal of Complex Networks. 2: 313-354
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